7 Node.JS Trends That Will Dominate in 2020

7 Node.JS Trends That Will Dominate in 2020
The new-age software development industry seems to be highly influenced with the in-hype JavaScript and the AI language.
As per the Gartner report 2019, the total global spending upon IT sector is expected to cross by $3.8 trillion with a 3.2% increment in expenditure as compared to the previous year.
In such a scenario, the demand for full stack developers will remain higher not only in the upcoming years but also with the greater number of years to come. And, Node.js is one such combination of tools, libraries and helpers that aids you to create and operate great web applications. It gives your platform a strong base to build a futuristic web platform and thus safeguard your online presence.
Witnessing such continuous and drastic growth in the ecommerce development company, a number of Node.js based apps is expected to rule over the year 2020.
With this continued success, let’s watch out what Node.js trends will dominate in the year 2020.
Upcoming Node.js trends to dominate 2020
Trend #1 Mean and Mern Stack to build complex apps
Both MEAN and MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS) are the most powerful and fastest-growing open-source development frameworks that help developers to build the most complex web and mobile screens at the respective platforms. Big-lead tech companies such as Netflix allow developers to make use of MERN stack for a smoother and flexible web development process.
Below is how the technology stack of Netflix works:
Trend #2 Serverless Architecture
One of the major Node.js benefits is that it eliminates the need of factors like server and hardware maintenance that acts as a deciding factor for application performance. Yes, you heard it right!
The next Node.js trend for 2020 is serverless architecture that is already being used by some of the leading production and communication companies such as Netflix, Telenor, Reuters etc.
The industry-wide adoption is constantly growing up at a huge scale because going serverless means there’s no need to take care of the servers running in the applications. With serverless architecture, there is no need to take care of server maintenance since everything is outsourced. This not only saves Node.js development company time and efforts but also reduces the cost to a greater extent.
Such emerging trend gives business a reason to build serverless architecture to stay adhered and compliant.
Let’s checkout what benefits a Node.js with serverless solution can offer to the business:
- It reduces development and project cost
- It improves code quality
- Increases project flexibility
- Reusable code modules.
Trend #3 Microservices
The next emerging trend is microservices which is an architectural approach to build an app that collects small services in a package. Apart from being an alternative to the serverless approach, it helps in maintaining application code. So, if you are an ecommerce development company that is projected to launch a big project in the upcoming year, Node.js is highly suitable since it eliminates the need to outsource server maintenance and thus ensures scalability, independent development and reusability.
Trend #4 Real-time mobile app development
Building real-time application is one of the most important use-cases to hire node.js developer in 2020 and beyond. Right from the food delivery app to the most coveted meal app (Zomato) till Google docs and other online collaborations, all these applications require strong backed support and Node.js is a great solution to suffice the needs. Such applications with real-time features and functionalities not only boosts user engagement but also empowers more traffic and sales to your business.
Platforms like live chat, social media, gaming apps, ad servers or stock exchange where speed is the most essential aspect, Node.js can be used to serve thousands of such intensive device in quick and abrupt manner. However, in real-time applications, the risk of overloading server is extremely high but Node.js makes it quite seamless and updated and big thanks to its Events API and Web Sockets.
Trello is one of the leading examples of a web-app where a real-time collaboration is implemented.
Let’s have a glance over some of the real-time examples that can be built with Node.js
- Chatting Applications
- Online gaming applications
- Instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, Vibe
- Voice over Internet Protocol
- Online Document sharing App
- Stockbroking and e-commerce powered app.
If building a scalable, fast yet secured real-time application is the need of an hour, Node.js is the ultimate choice.
Trend #5 GraphQL
As per the statistics recorded by Facebook and Shopify, GraphQL is expected to grow much beyond its existing level and will even continue to grow more in 2020 and beyond.
An alternative to Restful API, GraphQL is an application that let client specify what exact data does it needs. It simplifies the workforce to a greater extent since it aggregates data from multiple resources in a convenient manner. It provides a sample placeholder structure while features will remain constant.
One of the reasons behind the GraphQL’s growing popularity is it can be integrated with React using relay framework.
Trent #6 Cloud-oriented solutions
Since hardware dependency is one of the biggest hindrances to build native cloud apps, Node.js eliminates its need and thus it is an excellent fit to build cloud-native apps from scratch.
With such evident benefits, more business and startups and realizing its importance and looking forward to implementing it in the technology in 2020 and beyond.
Trent #7 Internet Of Things (IoT)
In order to build app with geo-distributed capabilities, Node.js is the best-fit and act as a runtime software since it let developers implement real-time capabilities, microservices and data-centric approaches.
Faster execution and real-time data pull out is one of the main advantages to build complex, scalable and efficient applications on Node.js.
Node.js – The future promising technology of 2020 and beyond!
Node.js plays an essential role in technology stack and offers highly scalable, cheaper, independent services in such a short span of time. These trends will surely play a decisive role in development of on-demand and real-time applications in web market.